Endometriosis is a benign but chronic disease in women. It often starts with the onset of periods. Uterine lining is spread into other organs or places.
The cause is not clarified. In my surgery I determined some frequent causes:
Chronic negative ongoing stress (mostly in families)
Occurrence in families (mother also had strong pain during her periods)
The uterine lining often spreads to the following organs:
The uterine muscle (adenomyosis uteri), the small pelvis, the colon, the bladder, the retaining cords of the uterus, the ovaries. In principle the lining can appear in any part of the body.
The spread lining is often influenced by the menstruation cycle. It results in a chronic inflammation with growths, cysts and pain.
Endometriosis is the most common cause of disturbed fertility in women. 50% of women with a fertility problem also have endometriosis.
Every course of the disease is individually different. The following key symptoms represent endometriosis:
- Pain during the period (Dysmenorrhea)
- Pain during sex (Dyspareunia)
- persistent pain in the lower abdomen (wave-like pain in the lower abdomen)
- Pain when urinating
- Pain when passing stool and blood in the stool